athletic conditioning is more than alright

The batteries in my 2008 piece of crap camera were dead this morning,  so I don’t have a pic of breakfast to share. In other good news I finally got a new phone, with internet access and a touch screen, yeah me.

Breakfast: ( use your imagination) 1 tbsp Nuttzo smeared on two slices of toasted rye, topped with 1/2 banana, pumpkin butter, and chia seeds. Simple, no? Filling, yes!

Today’s one and only workout was 60 minutes of athletic conditioning. Trust me, one class is all you need for the whole day. It’s kinda like gym class for grown ups on steroids. I’ve seen grown men cry, well maybe not cry but very close to it.

We did some old school stuff today.

  • shuffles
  • jumping jacks
  • burpees
  • running in intervals
  • sprints
  • punches
  • squats

It’s a great class to build upon stamina and endurance. We probably ran the equivalent of two miles so I made an executive decision to skip today’s scheduled run of 25 minutes. I may make it up later, or not, it just depends on how I feel. To be honest I’m not really worried about 25 minutes.


After class I had quick snack before running errands knowing I wouldn’t be eating a real lunch until after 2:00 pm.

During training my body requires more protein, having a shake within 30 minutes of a workout helps with muscle recovery and warding off 4:00PM hunger. Since it was chilly outside I warmed up the soymilk first then added one scoop of powder. I also had a blackberry surprise granola bar.


Left-over vegetable stoup from my mother-in-law. I think she’s trying to feed me? Seriously though it was very sweet of her to send me some food, who doesn’t like free food?  I added white rice and vegetable broth to the mix.

Fruit salad with 1/4 cup low-fat vanilla yogurt for dipping.

Herba mate tea.

This afternoon I watched a movie to chill, and get in a few movies before the Oscars later this month. I do work, I promise!

The Kids Are Alright.  Are they really? The movie was not at all what I expected.

 Mark Ruffalo is up for best actor in a leading role, loved him in 13 going on 30. Annette Benning is up for best actress and the movie itself is up for Best Picture. Next on my list Inception, has anyone seen it? Do you plan on watching the Oscars?

Dinner was a black bean burrito using the last of my Albuquerque tortillas 😦

Tortilla chips (nom, nom), lettuce and salsa.

Speaking of work I have to be there at 0700 so it’s off to bed for me.


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