Triathlon of a workout

Saturdays workout was a triathlon of events.

 I was a little late to turbo kick yesterday thanks to four inches of snow, but I ended up getting in a good 30 minutes of punches, kicks and capaweta’s . Strength and endurance started at 10:30 so I stuck around and did 30 minutes of squats and arm exercises. Then I went out to the wellness center and ran for 40 minutes on the treadmill. A total of 1 hour and 40 minutes spent at the gym. It’s so hard to fit in all the workouts I want to do while training for a race. Running takes up a great deal of time, but I know come race day I’ll be happy I stuck with it. Currently I’m  itching for a swim, thanks to Matt 🙂

 Hmmm. swim, bike, run I’m started to have an idea!


Once I got home I had some steamed veggies, shrimp and rice in honor of the Chinese New Year,

I wish I could say I made this dish myself but no I cannot take the credit.. The hubs ordered it from our favorite local chinese takeout restaurant. You know the one down the street that no matter what you order you know it’s going to be good. It came with a side of brown sauce  that I opted not to use. I’m not really sure what brown sauce is and didn’t feel like being adventurous at the time. I doctored up the veggies with a little bit of low sodium soy sauce and one packet of spicy mustard. Love me some spicy mustard.

Most of the day was spent getting ready for my mom’s birthday party. Happy Birthday Mom!

Lots of cleaning (boo) and cooking (yeah).


Fresh flowers make all the difference to a table setting.

 We made and all americana dinner for my parents, two brothers, sister-in-law, and niece.

Turkey lurkey, garlic mashed potatoes, peas and carrots, prosciutto wrapped asparagus and whole wheat rolls.

We opened the second bottle of flip flop wine.

It was better than the white but still not my fave.

Did you know that wine and cake pair well together?

Well, I’m off to the yoga studio to detox and then get ready for tonights Super Bowl party.

Have a fabulous Sunday.


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